Poster, Scholarships & Young Leaders Applications · MMA Summit
International Summit on Psychedelic
Therapies for Mental Illness

Poster, Scholarships & Young Leaders Applications

Poster Presentations

Poster Winners

  • Katie Newton - Self-transcendent positive emotions & connectedness to nature
  • Katherine Haag - Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy and The Sustainable Development Goals
  • Andrew Laino - Psychedelic Medicine and the Attenuation of Depressive Symptoms
  • Madeline Kretschmer - Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy made accessible for young people experiencing homelessness in Australia
  • Lynnette Dickinson - Psychedelics - The New Treatment Model for Mental Health Recovery

Call for Poster Presentations

Submissions are invited for poster presentations that represent original and new, important or relevant science, research, technology, clinical application or public health projects relating to one or more of the themes of medicine-assisted therapies for mental illness, or relevant to the field of psychedelic medicine.

Applications have now closed and the winners have been announced.

Who should apply?

  • Scientists and researchers
  • Psychologists and therapists
  • Medical practitioners
  • Academics in the fields of anthropology, philosophy, ethics, law, policy or other related disciplines
  • Post-graduate students and research fellows
  • Public health professionals
  • Anyone with the drive and capability to bring new projects and ideas to the field

What can be on a poster?

  • Preliminary research findings
  • New, evidence-based research or treatment proposals
  • A project or idea that advances the field of medicine-assisted therapy scientifically, socially, philosophically, ethically or therapeutically.

**This could include a project that is not related to research or treatment but would benefit the field in some direct way.

Poster Presentations

Several poster presentations will be invited to present a short “2021” talk about the topic area of their submission as part of the main Summit program. Each presentation will include 20 slides lasting 20 seconds each.

All other successful applicants will be invited to be available to present their poster in a separate area at specific times during the Summit.


As decided by the Mind Medicine Australia Advisory Panel, awards will be presented for the best poster presentations during the closing plenary session of the International Summit on Psychedelic Therapies for Mental Illness.

About the submission process

Posters will be ranked against selection criteria including:

  • The extent to which the content relates to the themes of the Summit or is relevant to the field
  • The extent to which the poster represents new, original, innovative or important research proposals and preliminary results
  • The scientific, technical, academic and/or clinical rigour of the work

The extent this research, program or idea proposes a novel, viable and high impact opportunity for the field Posters will be displayed on boards in an allocated area for the duration of the conference.

Conditions of acceptance

  • All poster presentations must be presented by one of the listed abstract authors.
  • Any costs of presenting (including conference registration, travel and accommodation) are the responsibility of the presenter, except where a student scholarship may cover certain costs.
  • Submission of an abstract/poster confers permission to publish it in the official Summit publications.
  • Poster presenters are required to bring their poster to the Summit venue with them, and will be advised of the time and date by which posters should be displayed.
  • Poster presenters are required to stand near their posters during allocated poster viewing times across the Summit to engage with conference delegates.
  • To be considered for a Poster Presentation, you will need to have purchased a ticket for the Summit.


Scholarship Winners

  • Anne-Catherine Palud
  • Charlotte Ivey
  • Michaela Barber
  • Jesse Munoz
  • Jenna Kenwright
  • Rebecca Rothberg
  • Adam Grosman
  • Candice Folkard

Several Student Scholarships are available to eligible undergraduate and postgraduate students to receive a complimentary registration to the 2021 MMA Global Summit.

Eligible applicants include medical students, GP/hospital registrars, science and research students, public health students, and students of allied health disciplines, ethics, law, policy, anthropology and other related disciplines.

Students wishing to be considered for a Student Scholarship are required to submit an abstract or original piece of work (up to 1500 words) to the Conference committee. Suitable original pieces include articles, case studies or discussions that address one or more of the conference themes. This may be the same as your poster submission. Please note that all applications must be accompanied by the official Submission Form for abstracts and scholarships. Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be accepted.

Applications have now closed and the winners have been announced.

Young Leaders

Both poster and scholarship applicants will also be eligible to apply as a Young Leader. Young Leaders are applicants of 35 years of age or under who are currently involved in research, a related project or have an incredible idea that will contribute to the field of psychedelic medicine in an innovative or integral way.

Successful Young Leaders will be invited to form the inaugural membership of a new committee within Mind Medicine Australia for 2021 that activates the talent and enterprise of emerging talent to support the development of psychedelic medicines in Australia.

Additionally, several successful Young Leaders will be invited to present a short (5 minute) talk as part of the main conference program.

To be eligible for appointment as a Young Leader please select this option on the poster or scholarship application form and let us know why you would like to join Mind Medicine Australia as a Young Leader in 2021.

Key date for submission: No later than 31 July. We will be assessing young leaders on merit after July 31 2021.

Conditions of acceptance

To be considered as a Young Leader, you will need to have purchased a ticket for the Summit.

Summit Program Overview

Download a brief program overview of the Summit:

Program Overview (205 KB) Last updated: Oct 20, 2021

Introductory Workshop Overview

Download a brief program overview of the Introductory Workshop:

Introductory Workshop Overview (224 KB) Last updated: Sept 24, 2021

If you have a query or want to learn more about the Summit and Mind Medicine Australia, please contact us here:


MMA Summit - Event Applications
